FlowGPT Privacy Policy


Effective date: March 30, 2024

Last updated date: March 29, 2024


This privacy notice for FlowGPT Co.("we," "us," “FlowGPT or "our") describes how and why we might collect, store, use, and/or share ("process") your information when you use our services ("Services"), such as when you:

· Visit our website at FlowGPT.com, or any website of ours that links to this privacy notice

· Engage with us in other related ways, including any sales, marketing, or events.


Reading this privacy notice will help you understand your privacy rights and choices. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH OUR POLICIES AND PRACTICES, PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR SERVICES. IF YOU STILL HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS, please contact us at jay@flowgpt.com.


Personal Data We Collect


Personal information you disclose to us


We collect information that you voluntarily provide to us when you register on the Services, express an interest in obtaining information about us or our products and Services, when you participate in activities on the Services, or otherwise when you contact us.

Create an account and log in: When you register and log in, we need to collect your email addresses, usernames and passwords;

Collection and Use of User-Uploaded Content and Images: At FlowGPT, when you interact with various algorithm models to submit content or upload images, we collect the data you provide. This is essential for our service to function effectively. Your uploaded content and images are stored on our servers for the same purpose. You retain the ability to delete this information at any time, and we assure you that your data will not be modified, sorted, or utilized beyond the intended function without your consent. Please be aware that the information you upload may contain personal or sensitive personal information. IF YOU CHOOSE TO UPLOAD CONTENT THAT INCLUDES PERSONAL INFORMATION, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED THE NECESSARY PERMISSIONS AND CONSENTS FROM THE INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED.

Submission of Custom AI Models: When you decide to submit a custom AI model with specific parameter adjustments on FlowGPT, we require certain information to facilitate this process. This includes the model's name, description, prompt words, and content, as well as a welcome message that will be associated with your AI model.

User Interaction Data Collection:While using FlowGPT, you have the opportunity to comment on various AI models. Please be aware that these comments are designed to be publicly accessible, visible to the entire FlowGPT user community. By submitting a comment, you are implicitly consenting to allow other users to view, copy, download, or share your comment within the platform. This consent is given in recognition of the collaborative and open nature of the FlowGPT environment.

When you browse FlowGPT services or accessing content delivered by FlowGPT, we gather essential information from your devices and applications, such as device name, device identifier, device activation time, hardware model, operating system version, application version, software identification code, device and application settings (e.g., region, language, time zone, font size). This also includes mobile network data like PLMN and cell identification codes for the device's location, as well as IP addresses to enhance service functionality and security.

When you use FlowGPT services or view content provided by FlowGPT, to ensure the stable and secure operation of FlowGPT, we automatically gather specific information and store it in logs, such as access timestamps, access times, IP addresses, and event data (e.g., errors, crashes, restarts, and upgrades).


We will not collect additional categories of Personal Data or use the Personal Data we collected for materially different, unrelated or incompatible purposes without providing you notice.


The Permissions We Apply For Use


Image Upload Authorization: When utilizing the image upload feature within FlowGPT, we request authorization to access your device's photo album on your device. This permission is essential for a smooth and efficient upload process, allowing you to share images with us effortlessly.


Notification Permissions: To ensure that you receive important messages, notifications, and reminders from FlowGPT, we seek to enable the necessary message notification permissions on your device. By granting these permissions, you allow us to keep you informed and up-to-date with relevant updates and alerts, enhancing your interaction with our services.


Personal Data We Obtain From Third Parties


Single-Sign Ons – If you sign up to our website FlowGPT.com through Google, you authorize us to collect your authentication information, such as your username and encrypted access credentials, and other personal data available through the third party application account, including the following personal data:


Google – You can sign up and log in to FlowGPT using your Google account. When you sign up using Google, Google will ask your permission to share certain information from your Google account with FlowGPT.com. This includes your Google email address and avatar (optional). This information is collected by Google and is provided to us under the terms of Google’s privacy policy. You can regulate the information that we receive from Google using your Google activity controls. If you signed up using Google by mistake, you can delete your account from the Account page within your Settings at any time, or you can contact us by emailing us at jay@flowgpt.com.


Integration of Third-Party Applications in FlowGPT's Services


It's important to recognize that FlowGPT integrates with various third-party applications, including but not limited to OpenAI and TTS services. As you engage with these third-party features, ensure that you adhere to their respective policies and guidelines. This includes following their privacy policies, user agreements, and any other relevant authorization documents to ensure a secure and compliant experience.


How We Use Your Personal Data


We use your personal data to:

· To enhance the efficiency and precision of the message delivery system, we will integrate third-party SDKs for push notification services. These services may be active in both the user interface and server-side components to ensure uninterrupted functionality. When enabled, the system will collect and use your User ID to facilitate the timely dispatch of messages and notifications via the integrated push SDK service.

· Provide, Improve, and Develop the Platform - We process your personal data primarily for the adequate performance of our website. We may also process your personal data in light of our legitimate interest in improving the Website and giving our users the best experience. We do this to: Operate and maintain your FlowGPT.com account, and to provide you with access to and use of the Platform. Your email address and password are used to identify you when you log into the Platform.  Identify you as the creator of the prompts that you upload, the comments that you post and/or the other contributions that you make to the Website.  Respond to you about any comment or enquiry you have submitted.

· Maintain a Safe and Secure Environment - We also process your personal data in light of our legitimate interest in improving the security of the Platform (including the security of your personal data) in order to give our users the best experience.


How We Share Your Personal Data


We do not sell your personal data to external parties.

· Through Your Profile – Any personal data that you choose to disclose in your public profile on FlowGPT  will be accessible by other users of the website, who may view your profile information, view or and comment on any of your public prompts.

· Third Party Applications – If you choose to connect your FlowGPT account to other apps or social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, you may be sharing certain personal data with these apps or networks. Materials that you share with social media networks will appear on your timeline (or similar functions) as well as in feeds that may be viewed by the public or by certain followers, subject to the terms and conditions of such social media networks.

· Compliance with Laws – We may disclose your personal data to courts, law enforcement agencies, and governmental authorities (i) to comply with our legal obligations, (ii) to comply with legal process and to respond to claims asserted against FlowGPT.com, (iii) to respond to verified requests relating to a criminal investigation or alleged or suspected illegal activity or any other activity that may expose us, you, or any other of our users to legal liability, (iv) to enforce and administer our Terms of Use and other agreements with users, or (v) to protect the rights, property or personal safety of FlowGPT.com, its employees, and members of the public.


How To Use Cookies and Related Technologies


FlowGPT utilizes local storage technologies, including cookies, pixel labels, and web beacons, to enhance its websites, online services, email communications, and advertisements. The data gathered through these mechanisms is generally categorized as non-personal information. However, should regional legislations classify IP addresses or similar identifiers as personal data, FlowGPT aligns with this perspective and treats such identifiers with the same regard. It's also important to note that we may combine this non-personal data with other personal information we possess. When such data integration occurs, for the scope of this policy, we treat the combined data as personal information, ensuring its collection, usage, and protection in line with the guidelines outlined in our privacy policy.


l Cookies

Cookies are simple text files placed on your computer or mobile device by a server. The server that created the cookie is the only one that can access its content. Each cookie is tailored to your specific web browser or app, and they typically include identifiers, site names, and alphanumeric characters.

FlowGPT employs cookies to enhance your interaction experience, such as:

- Essential Cookies:

These facilitate login and verification processes, allowing seamless navigation across our website without repeated logins.

They also help in remembering your preferences and settings, like language and font size, for a customized browsing experience.

- Analytical Cookies: These tools enable us to understand user engagement with our site by tracking single or multiple visits, which assists in improving site functionality and user satisfaction.

- Advertising Cookies: Designed to deliver targeted advertising based on your online activity, these cookies help us to present content and advertisements that are most relevant to your interests.

You have the ability to manage your cookie preferences, including deletion and blocking options, through your web browser's settings. However, please be aware that clearing cookies may necessitate reconfiguring user settings upon each visit to FlowGPT's website, and disabling cookies might impact the functionality of certain services.


l Web Beacons/Pixel Labels

Beyond cookies, FlowGPT and its partners also employ web beacons and pixel labels. These are typically small electronic images embedded within our website or emails, serving to recognize when web pages or emails are viewed on your device. They also ensure that emails are delivered in a readable format and inform us if they have been opened.

These technologies aid in analyzing service usage and tailoring content and advertisements to better serve your needs. For instance, emails from FlowGPT may include clickable links that lead to specific content on our website. Tracking these interactions helps us to better understand your preferences and enhance our customer service.


l Additional Local Storage Technologies

We and our third-party collaborators may also utilize other local storage solutions, such as local shared objects (also known as Flash cookies) and HTML5 local storage. These technologies, while similar to cookies, may differ in the way they are used and stored on your device, and thus might not be manageable through standard browser settings.


l Do Not Track

While many web browsers offer a "Do Not Track" feature that sends a request to websites, there is currently no consensus among major Internet standards organizations on how to respond to these requests.

As of now, FlowGPT does not alter its data processing practices in response to the "Do Not Track" setting or similar features.


How Do We Use Third-party SDKs


At our service, we incorporate various third-party SDKs (Software Development Kits) to enhance and optimize our offerings. Here's a breakdown of how we utilize these tools:


Firebase Push SDK: This SDK is instrumental in delivering real-time message notifications to our users. By leveraging the capabilities of Firebase, we ensure that you receive timely and relevant updates and messages, thereby improving your engagement and experience with our services.

ClickStream Analytics SDK: To continuously refine our product offerings and services, we employ the ClickStream event tracking SDK. This tool allows us to gather and analyze user behavior data, providing valuable insights into how our users interact with our platform. This data is crucial for identifying areas of improvement and for tailoring our services to better meet your needs.

Attribution SDK for Online Marketing: Understanding the channels through which our users discover our services is key to effective online marketing. By using an attribution SDK, we can accurately track and analyze user acquisition across various marketing channels. This enables us to make data-driven decisions and to optimize our marketing strategies, ensuring that we reach the right audience with targeted and relevant messages.


Our use of these SDKs is in line with our commitment to providing a superior user experience while maintaining the highest standards of privacy and data security. We value your trust and ensure that any data collected through these SDKs is handled responsibly and in accordance with our privacy policy.


Business Transfers


All of your Personal Data that we collect may be transferred to a third party if we undergo a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other transaction in which that third party assumes control of our business (in whole or in part). Should one of these events occur, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you before your information becomes subject to different privacy and security policies and practices.


Information Security Retention


FlowGPT.com maintains appropriate technical, administrative, and physical safeguards that are designed to prevent unauthorized access, use or disclosure of personal data we collect or store and to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons that may be involved with our processing operations. We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. However, it is not possible to guarantee the security of personal data transmitted over the Internet. You use the website and provide us with personal data at your own discretion and risk.


We seek to protect your Personal Data from unauthorized access, use and disclosure using appropriate physical, technical, organizational and administrative security measures based on the type of Personal Data and how we are processing that data. You should also help protect your data by appropriately selecting and protecting your password and/or other sign-on mechanism; limiting access to your computer or device and browser; and signing off after you have finished accessing your account. Although we work to protect the security of your account and other data that we hold in our records, please be aware that no method of transmitting data over the internet or storing data is completely secure.


We retain Personal Data about you for as long as you have an open account with us or as otherwise necessary to provide you with our Services. In some cases we retain Personal Data for longer, if doing so is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes or collect fees owed, or is otherwise permitted or required by applicable law, rule or regulation. We may further retain information in an anonymous or aggregated form where that information would not identify you personally.


Personal Data of Children


The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) requires that online service providers obtain parental consent before they knowingly collect personally identifiable information online from children who are under 13 years of age. Our Services are not directed to children under 13. Also, we do not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from a child under 16. Specifically, we do not collect any personal information as defined by COPPA from the FlowGPT mobile application when a user only uses such application without registering an account with the FlowGPT Services, and we do not allow users who identify themselves as under the age of 16 to register for an account with the FlowGPT Service. If you are a child under 16 years of age, please do not attempt to register for an account with the Services or otherwise send any Personal Data about yourself to us. If we learn we have collected personal information from a child under 16, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 16 years of age has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us at jay@flowgpt.com.


California Resident Rights


If you are a California resident, you have the rights set forth in this section. Please see the “Exercising Your Rights” section below for instructions regarding how to exercise these rights.

If there are any conflicts between this section and any other provision of this Privacy Policy and you are a California resident, the portion that is more protective of Personal Data shall control to the extent of such conflict. If you have any questions about this section or whether any of the following rights apply to you, please contact us at jay@flowgpt.com.



You have the right to request certain information about our collection and use of your Personal Data over the past 12 months. In response, we will provide you with the following information:

· The categories of Personal Data that we have collected about you.

· The categories of sources from which that Personal Data was collected.

· The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your Personal Data.

· The categories of third parties with whom we have shared your Personal Data.

· The specific pieces of Personal Data that we have collected about you.

If we have disclosed your Personal Data to any third parties for a business purpose over the past 12 months, we will identify the categories of Personal Data shared with each category of third party recipient. If we have sold your Personal Data over the past 12 months, we will identify the categories of Personal Data sold to each category of third party recipient.



You have the right to request that we delete the Personal Data that we have collected about you. Under the CCPA, this right is subject to certain exceptions: for example, we may need to retain your Personal Data to provide you with the Services or complete a transaction or other action you have requested. If your deletion request is subject to one of these exceptions, we may deny your deletion request. When you submit a deletion request, we will delete your personal information as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you can contact us by email jay@flowgpt.com.


Exercising Your Rights

To exercise the rights described above, you or your Authorized Agent (defined below) must send us a request that (1) provides sufficient information to allow us to verify that you are the person about whom we have collected Personal Data, and (2) describes your request in sufficient detail to allow us to understand, evaluate and respond to it. Each request that meets both of these criteria will be considered a “Valid Request.” We may not respond to requests that do not meet these criteria. We will only use Personal Data provided in a Valid Request to verify your identity and complete your request. You do not need an account to submit a Valid Request.

We will work to respond to your Valid Request within 45 days of receipt. We will not charge you a fee for making a Valid Request unless your Valid Request(s) is excessive, repetitive or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that your Valid Request warrants a fee, we will notify you of the fee and explain that decision before completing your request.

You may submit a Valid Request at jay@flowgpt.com.

You may also authorize an agent (an “Authorized Agent”) to exercise your rights on your behalf. To do this, you must provide your Authorized Agent with written permission to exercise your rights on your behalf, and we may request a copy of this written permission from your Authorized Agent when they make a request on your behalf.


Personal Data Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In

We will not sell your Personal Data, and have not done so. To our knowledge, we do not sell the Personal Data of minors under 16 years of age.


We Will Not Discriminate Against You for Exercising Your Rights Under the CCPA

We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights under the CCPA. We will not deny you our goods or services, charge you different prices or rates, or provide you a lower quality of goods and services if you exercise your rights under the CCPA. However, we may offer different tiers of our Services as allowed by applicable data privacy laws (including the CCPA) with varying prices, rates or levels of quality of the goods or services you receive related to the value of Personal Data that we receive from you.


Other State Law Privacy Rights


California Resident Rights

Under California Civil Code Sections 1798.83-1798.84, California residents are entitled to contact us to prevent disclosure of Personal Data to third parties for such third parties’ direct marketing purposes; in order to submit such a request, please contact us at jay@flowgpt.com.


Nevada Resident Rights

If you are a resident of Nevada, you have the right to opt-out of the sale of certain Personal Data to third parties who intend to license or sell that Personal Data. We do not sell your Personal Data. If you have any questions, please contact us at jay@flowgpt.com with the subject line “Nevada Do Not Sell Request”.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We’re constantly trying to improve our Services, so we may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time, but we will alert you to any such changes by placing a notice on the FlowGPT application, by sending you an email and/or by some other means. Please note that if you’ve opted not to receive legal notice emails from us (or you haven’t provided us with your email address), those legal notices will still govern your use of the Services, and you are still responsible for reading and understanding them. If you use the Services after any changes to the Privacy Policy have been posted, that means you agree to all of the changes. Use of information we collect is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such information is collected.



Contact Information


If you have questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy or our practices, please contact us by email at jay@flowgpt.com.